Ecuador is a country with a vast and unique natural and cultural wealth, due to the diversity of its flora and fauna. Ecuador is considered one of the 17 countries where the greatest biodiversity of the planet is concentrated.

The country is furrowed from north to south by a volcanic section of the Andes mountain range, with 70 volcanoes, the highest is Chimborazo, at 6310 meters above sea level, and to the west of the Andes, the Gulf of Guayaquil and a wooded plain are presented.

It is impressive to stop at the Middle of the World in Quito, take a walk around its picturesque indigenous market of Otavalo, take walks through the Cotopaxi and Chimborazo volcanoes among the most active in the world and finally to know the Galapagos Islands with their unique flora and fauna in the world.

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